2015 Physics Olympiad


Pasta Bridge

Designed and run by the Society of Women in Physics

The information on this event is up to date.

Faculty coordinator: Rachel Goldman
Preparation team and Judges: Kaitlin Moore, Jessie Muir, Anna Savage, and Society of Women in Physics

Event Description:

In this activity, students will design and construct a pasta bridge prior to the competition. Students will have to consider various design principles to build the most efficient bridge possible to satisfy the specifications listed below. The weight of the bridge is unrestricted, but lighter, stronger bridges will earn the most points. At the competition, students will have a chance to make repairs caused by the journey, take a quiz relating to static equilibria, and put the bridges to the test.

Event Location and Time:

1221 Randall [Intro Labs]
10:30AM - 11:50AM and 1:00PM - 2:50PM

Apparatus and Materials:

Teachers must sign the attached affidavit posted here, verifying that the following specifications have been met by their team. Any teams lacking an affidavit and not following the specifications below will be disqualified from the event.

Bridge Specifications for work prior to competition:

During the competition we will supply:

Event Rules:

Judging Criteria:

Olympiad Contact Information
University of Michigan, Physics Department, Randall Laboratory
Prof. Georg Raithel, email: graithel@umich.edu

The University of Michigan. All rights reserved.
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN PHYSICS OLYMPIAD is a Service Mark registered in the State of Michigan.
The University of Michigan Physics Olympiad has no connection, association, or implied authorization by the USOC, the IOC, or the IPC.
Revised: April 2015.