2015 Physics Olympiad


Frequently Asked Qestions

This information complements the detailed event descriptions accessible via the Navigation Bar on the left.

General Questions:

Q: Can the same students be entered in more than one event?
A: Yes, you may have the same students do more than one event. We try to schedule the events such that there are no conflicts and those schools that have a limited number of students can participate in as many as possible events.

Pasta Bridge:

Q: The description reads span of 16" but picture shows 18" span. And, can students use any pasta ie linquine?
A: The bridge should be able to cross a 16" chasm; we have updated the picture on the website with the correct chasm width indicated. The written instructions on the website are correct. Aslo, any store-bought pasta is fine, including linguine.

Olympiad Contact Information
University of Michigan, Physics Department, Randall Laboratory
Prof. Georg Raithel, email: graithel@umich.edu

The University of Michigan. All rights reserved.
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN PHYSICS OLYMPIAD is a Service Mark registered in the State of Michigan.
The University of Michigan Physics Olympiad has no connection, association, or implied authorization by the USOC, the IOC, or the IPC.
Revised: April 2015.