2015 Physics Olympiad


Mission Statement

The Michigan Physics Olympiad is an annual one-day event for area high schools, organized and conducted by the Physics Department, a part of the College of Literature, Science and Arts, at The University of Michigan - Ann Arbor campus.

Why is the Physics Department conducting a Physics Olympiad?

This endeavor furthers two key goals of the Physics Department: to provide an outstanding education for our students, and to disseminate scientific knowledge to citizens.

Olympiad Contact Information
University of Michigan, Physics Department, Randall Laboratory
Prof. Georg Raithel, email: graithel@umich.edu

The University of Michigan. All rights reserved.
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN PHYSICS OLYMPIAD is a Service Mark registered in the State of Michigan.
The University of Michigan Physics Olympiad has no connection, association, or implied authorization by the USOC, the IOC, or the IPC.
Revised: April 2015.